Right, so I’m part way through converting the big box of floppies I got from ebay. From the looks of it, there’s not much of interest to me. There’s lots of public domain disks. I have a feeling that there’s probably a few “missing in action” disks there, so I’ll certainly go through them in greater detail, and upload them somewhere. One thing I did find, is that there was a disk magazine called “STuffed” by Floppysoft – I had a check, and couln’t find anything about it, except for a brief post a couple of years ago on an ST forum. The author, at the time, lived in Aberdeen, and now lives in Australia. As far as I can see, the disks have never been converted, so I bring to you, disks 1 and 2 of STuffed…
Great! I’m glad you were at least able to use some of the discs. I hope you find some Amiga ones soon
I did find some more on ebay… Unfortunately, they were pretty much all scrap. Not having much luck with these, am I?
I wrote these disks back in the day!
I think I even have a couple of issuse in a cupboard somewhere!
Max (Marc)
Haha, thas awesome! I hope these brought back some memories for you!
Mate, thanks so much for doing this – I downloaded issue 1 and saw it for the first time in many years! Memories flooding back!
It looks like issue 2 just links to issue 1 though – but I mannaged to download by changing the url…
Good grief ! the things I did back then :)
Oops, yep, you’re right, it does… or at least, it did. Fixed it now, thanks for the heads up!